Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

The Last Dress

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.32
Ini adalah contoh mini drama dalam bahasa inggris, hehehhe aneh yaa temanya dress. Ok dech semoga bermanfaat :)) oea ini dari sutradara Deden Deny lho, hebatkan :)

The Last Dress

One day in market there was a Shopkeeper and his assisten and  three costumer
Maret : Good morning Sir. How can I help you?
Adi : I’m looking for a beautifull dress
Maret : What kind of dress is you are looking for ?
Wiliana : Hm...what is it again ? can i see all of kind a dress you have ?
Maret : Do not worry sir . We have latest stock! hey  Ali can you bring Some dress from  our storage
Ali : Understood !Wait a minute, i’ll be right back soon
Several minute later The assistant is back and bring Some style of dress
Ali : Here is it  Some style dress we have
Candra : Woah..  quite a lot of beautifull  dress you have
Ali : Thank you sir
Adi : But , What about the color i don’t like this color
Wiliana : Yes, Do you haveany particular colour ?
Maret : Yes, Off Course.we do have
The Custumer is already decided each of they choice
Adi : I chose this(chose one of dress)  the white one
Maret : Nice Choice, By the way for whom that dress is it ?
Adi : Sorry it’s my Privasi
Candra : I know that dress is for your girlfriend right ?
Wiliana : Oh i see for
Adi : Stop it (interrupting)
Maret : Haha...What  about you sir (Look at Wiliana)
Wiliana : I’m this (Chose a dress ) and the color is blue
Maret : Is for your girlfriend too  like him ?
Wiliana ; No, it’s for my sister
Ali : And, You Sir ( Look at Candra)
Candra : No, I’m here not for a buy i’m just look around and accompany with this two
Ali : Oh I see
Saveral minutes later Come again some costumer
Maret   :  Welcome, How can I help you ?
Teguh  :   I want to buy a beautiful dress for my daughter.
Suddenly part time worker in tha shop is coming
Deden  : Good Morning, Manager it’s look like you have a hard time
Maret  :  It’s Already i  say I’m not manager here  and Hurry up help us many costumer today
Deden  : Hai...
Back to Costumer
Maret  : I’m Sorry , How old are you? (Talk With Rika)
Rika  : I’m  14 years old Ms
Maret  : Do you want causal or party wear
Rika  : I want party wear
Deden  : Here Is it style of dress  we have ?
Teguh  : Rika, chose whichever you like ?
Rika  : Thank you very much
Back to three costumer who first coming
Wiliana : What is its prize?
Ali  : It’s Rp  120.000
Wiliana : can you make it lower ?
Ali : i’m afrraid i can’t
Wiliana : Please, Just  A litle
Ali : Well, just a litle
Back to the another costumer
Rika  : I Chose this and the color is White
Teguh  : It’s the right choice i like that dress too
Maret :Deden..... Take a dress like this the white one
Deden : Hai... I’be right back
Several minutes again deden return
Deden : Manager eitch... Sorry The white one is nothing left in the  storage only blue and gray
Ali  : The last the white one is buy by that costumer  (indicate to adi)
Maret  : That they say  I’m Sorry
Rika : I Want that dress
Teguh  : But there is no one the white one left what about another color?
Rika : You say i can Chose whichever i want ?
Teguh  : But  Can You help me my daughter is selfish i can’t do anything execpt fullfil his desire ?
Adi : I’m Sorry
Someone is coming ask what had happened there
Iman  : What’s going on ?
Deden : There is costumer who seize the last dress in our stock
Iman  : Oh I see
Iman  approach to Adi and teguh
Teguh  : Please
Iman : can i give you all the solution
Candra : Who are you ?
Iman  : I’m just A Traveller who inccedentally here
Candra : oh i see
Iman  : Here the solution What about Mr adi who chose another color because  i think your girlfriend is happy with anything you give for her
Adi : If you say that i think is right
Iman : And for Mr teguh, you musn’t to cosher your daughter alof childreen must learn about bitter of live
Teguh  : yes, it’s my fault because i’m to busy work
Maret  : well Who is to buy a white dress
Adi : I think i chose another color and the white dress is for Mr teguh to by for her daughter
Teguh : Thank you very much Mr Adi
Everyone is satiesfied about the dress they chose
The End

2 komentar:

Unknown on 17 Maret 2014 pukul 07.44 mengatakan...

asateh :p

Loween on 8 Desember 2015 pukul 06.23 mengatakan...

mantap (y)

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The Last Dress

2 komentar
Ini adalah contoh mini drama dalam bahasa inggris, hehehhe aneh yaa temanya dress. Ok dech semoga bermanfaat :)) oea ini dari sutradara Deden Deny lho, hebatkan :)

The Last Dress

One day in market there was a Shopkeeper and his assisten and  three costumer
Maret : Good morning Sir. How can I help you?
Adi : I’m looking for a beautifull dress
Maret : What kind of dress is you are looking for ?
Wiliana : Hm...what is it again ? can i see all of kind a dress you have ?
Maret : Do not worry sir . We have latest stock! hey  Ali can you bring Some dress from  our storage
Ali : Understood !Wait a minute, i’ll be right back soon
Several minute later The assistant is back and bring Some style of dress
Ali : Here is it  Some style dress we have
Candra : Woah..  quite a lot of beautifull  dress you have
Ali : Thank you sir
Adi : But , What about the color i don’t like this color
Wiliana : Yes, Do you haveany particular colour ?
Maret : Yes, Off Course.we do have
The Custumer is already decided each of they choice
Adi : I chose this(chose one of dress)  the white one
Maret : Nice Choice, By the way for whom that dress is it ?
Adi : Sorry it’s my Privasi
Candra : I know that dress is for your girlfriend right ?
Wiliana : Oh i see for
Adi : Stop it (interrupting)
Maret : Haha...What  about you sir (Look at Wiliana)
Wiliana : I’m this (Chose a dress ) and the color is blue
Maret : Is for your girlfriend too  like him ?
Wiliana ; No, it’s for my sister
Ali : And, You Sir ( Look at Candra)
Candra : No, I’m here not for a buy i’m just look around and accompany with this two
Ali : Oh I see
Saveral minutes later Come again some costumer
Maret   :  Welcome, How can I help you ?
Teguh  :   I want to buy a beautiful dress for my daughter.
Suddenly part time worker in tha shop is coming
Deden  : Good Morning, Manager it’s look like you have a hard time
Maret  :  It’s Already i  say I’m not manager here  and Hurry up help us many costumer today
Deden  : Hai...
Back to Costumer
Maret  : I’m Sorry , How old are you? (Talk With Rika)
Rika  : I’m  14 years old Ms
Maret  : Do you want causal or party wear
Rika  : I want party wear
Deden  : Here Is it style of dress  we have ?
Teguh  : Rika, chose whichever you like ?
Rika  : Thank you very much
Back to three costumer who first coming
Wiliana : What is its prize?
Ali  : It’s Rp  120.000
Wiliana : can you make it lower ?
Ali : i’m afrraid i can’t
Wiliana : Please, Just  A litle
Ali : Well, just a litle
Back to the another costumer
Rika  : I Chose this and the color is White
Teguh  : It’s the right choice i like that dress too
Maret :Deden..... Take a dress like this the white one
Deden : Hai... I’be right back
Several minutes again deden return
Deden : Manager eitch... Sorry The white one is nothing left in the  storage only blue and gray
Ali  : The last the white one is buy by that costumer  (indicate to adi)
Maret  : That they say  I’m Sorry
Rika : I Want that dress
Teguh  : But there is no one the white one left what about another color?
Rika : You say i can Chose whichever i want ?
Teguh  : But  Can You help me my daughter is selfish i can’t do anything execpt fullfil his desire ?
Adi : I’m Sorry
Someone is coming ask what had happened there
Iman  : What’s going on ?
Deden : There is costumer who seize the last dress in our stock
Iman  : Oh I see
Iman  approach to Adi and teguh
Teguh  : Please
Iman : can i give you all the solution
Candra : Who are you ?
Iman  : I’m just A Traveller who inccedentally here
Candra : oh i see
Iman  : Here the solution What about Mr adi who chose another color because  i think your girlfriend is happy with anything you give for her
Adi : If you say that i think is right
Iman : And for Mr teguh, you musn’t to cosher your daughter alof childreen must learn about bitter of live
Teguh  : yes, it’s my fault because i’m to busy work
Maret  : well Who is to buy a white dress
Adi : I think i chose another color and the white dress is for Mr teguh to by for her daughter
Teguh : Thank you very much Mr Adi
Everyone is satiesfied about the dress they chose
The End

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

asateh :p

Loween mengatakan...

mantap (y)

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